
"Rev up for the Ultimate 50s Ride: Cruise Through Washington's Finest, 40s Never Looked So Good!" 

This year's Challenge Ride has a 1950's Location Theme. Each location is somewhat directly or indirectly related to the 1950's era.


THESE CHALLENGE RIDE EVENTS ARE OPEN TO ANYONE REGARDLESS OF GENDER OR AFFILIATION.  ALL Bikes and Riders are welcome to join the challenge. You do not need to be a part of the Warrior Angel Riders.  Members of the Warrior Angel Riders sponsor, design, and create these challenges for you to enjoy.

There are two different Challenge Ride Events.

There is a $25 fee to join each event, which covers operating costs such as postage, materials, promotional materials, and other items for the luncheon. This Challenge Ride is set up for you to enjoy the open road and discover varying locations throughout the state of Washington that you may have not known about.

There will be a Luncheon to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments and just have a good time to meet each other and share stories. The information will be emailed to you and will also be posted on the “WAR Spring/Summer Challenge Ride” Facebook page and the @warchallengeride Instagram account as it gets closer to September. Feel free to invite your family and friends. The more the merrier!

Length of Challenge

Starts on the First Day of Spring, March 19th, 2024, and goes until the Last Day of Summer on September 30, 2024.

(Input was provided and we made a change. In previous years, the Challenge Ride ends at the end of Summer. We extended the end date to the end of September. Unfortunately, we couldn't extend the date any further than this as we need the time to tally up everyone's submissions.)

Game Rules

This is NOT a contest to see who finishes first or last. This challenge event accepts ALL photo entries between March 19th to September 30th, 2024.

Visit as many of the destinations and take a photo. The photo must include the following:

o   The listed location.

o   Yourself holding your numbered placard.

o   Your bike.

Submit your destination photo to scratch it off your list.

o   There are two methods of submitting your photo entry. Either method is acceptable.


Note: Your photos, stories, challenges, and/or comments may be shared in the "WAR Spring/Summer Challenge Ride" Facebook group and/or the @warchallengeride Instagram account.  Please don’t let this deter you from sharing. This helps bring more excitement to the challenge and brings notoriety to your accomplishments. 

This year's prizes for each Challenge Ride:

1st Place Winner will receive $100.

2nd Place Winner will receive $50.

3rd Place Winner will receive $25

You do not need to be present to win the above prizes. Non-monetary prizes need to be present to win.

Have fun and ride safe! We'll see everyone at the Awards Luncheon! 
